DSGVO Data Protection

Dear customer,
Dear partner,
Dear customer,

the PP Peter Pietzak real estate GmbH works strictly according to the specifications of the new DSGVO (Data Protection Ordinance).
Our endeavor is always to provide our customers, partners and prospects with clear and simple information about the personal data that we use in accordance with the law in order to contact you.

With this form you have the possibility to confirm your data according to DSGVO with us, to update, and also to delete.
Of course, we also like to inform you about the data we store about you.

Your data will not be stored on our website, but will be immediately forwarded by e-mail to the responsible employee at DSGVO Datenschutz.

    Bitte eine Option auswählen:



    Ihr Vorname*

    Ihr Nachname*

    Ihre PLZ*

    Ihr Ort*



    Ihre Nachricht

    Ja Ich stimme den Datenschutzinformationen zu.*